
The D4X protocol is a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem designed to enhance liquidity and margin trading directly on the blockchain.

Principal protocol schema

Components of D4X protocol

The protocol consists of several key components:

D4X Core Smart Contract

Serves as the backbone of the protocol, facilitating all primary operations and interactions.

Leverage Pool

Aggregates capital from lenders, enabling traders to take leveraged positions in the market.

Parameters Engine

Dynamically adjusts protocol parameters to optimize performance and manage risk.

Liquidation Engine

Automates the process of liquidating undercollateralized positions to maintain market stability.

Insurance Fund

Provides a safety net for the protocol, covering losses in case of liquidation shortfalls.

Automation Networks

Integrates with services like Gelato and Chainlink to automate operations and leverage off-chain computation.

DEXes and Lending Protocols

Interfaces with decentralized exchanges and lending protocols to facilitate a seamless trading experience.

Market Data

Utilizes oracle services and DEX's feeds to access real-time market data, ensuring accurate and timely execution of trades and adjustments.

Together, these components form a decentralized, efficient, and integrated platform, enabling advanced trading strategies and liquidity provision in the DeFi space.

Last updated